woensdag 31 oktober 2012
Omdat ieder ander recht heeft op waar jij zo hard voor hebt gewerkt...
Tja, beste VVD-stemmers, jullie moesten toch zo nodig strategisch stemmen om die vreselijke Wilders buiten de macht te houden?
Waar had Geert ook alweer voor gewaarschuwd? Iets van: "Een stem op de VVD is een stem op de PvdA", toch? Kijk eens aan, hij had alwéér gelijk.
En, hoe voelen jullie je nu? Beetje belazerd, zeker? Tja, jullie hadden het kunnen weten. Denk aan de vorige verkiezingen, en die malle windmolens die volgens Rutte alleen op subsidie draaiden. Die uitspraak belette hem niet om er vervolgens ondanks de tegenstand onder de bevolking het grootste windmolenpark van Nederland door te drukken. O ja, nog zo'n verkiezingsbelofte van ons lachebekje: geen cént meer naar Griekenland. Nou, we weten allemaal hoeveel miljarden centen er vervolgens op de Griekse bankrekeningen zijn gestort, en bovendien al zijn klaargelegd voor de volgende storting(en). Eens een windvaan, altijd een windvaan.
Bezuinigen betekent voor ALLE gevestigde partijen helaas niets anders dan de bevolking verder uitzuigen ten bate van hun eigen politieke hobby's en doelstellingen. In eigen vlees snijden is iets wat ten koste van alles vermeden moet worden. In plaats daarvan mag het Nederlandse volk weer eens de broekriem aanhalen en worden we gedwongen lijdzaam toe te staan dat onze bevolking zienderogen verarmt, terwijl de politieke elite doorgaat ons belastinggeld met emmers tegelijk over de balk te gooien. Naar de Grieken, naar de EUSSR, naar het ESM, naar Kunduz, naar de JSF, naar de "kwetsbare gezinnen" in de Schilderswijk, naar meer immigranten, naar maatregelen tegen een natuurlijk fenomeen als klimaatverandering, naar pensioenen voor terroristen in Gaza en ga zo maar door. En wij maar inleveren.
Om hier iets tegen te doen was het noodzakelijk om weer baas in eigen land te worden. Weg met de EU, weg met de euro. Er was maar een partij die dat in haar programma had staan. Maar ja, Wilders, hè, daar stemt een fatsoenlijk mens niet op...
Nou, dit is dus het resultaat. Veel plezier met weer een pimpelpaarse regering. We zullen zien wie er beter aan toe is als deze regering het veld ruimt: ons land, onze burgers, of al die personen en instanties die blijkbaar meer recht op ons belastinggeld hebben dan wij zelf.
Hieronder een bumpersticker uit de verkiezingen in de VS, waar ze hun eigen nivelleerder ("I think spreading the wealth is good for everybody") uit het Witte Huis proberen te schoppen.
Zoals het er nu uitziet hebben kiezers in de VS meer kans om met hun stem iets te bereiken dan kiezers in Nederland.
Hypotheekrenteaftrek staat bij ons als een huis
Al delete de VVD de pagina nog zo snel, GeenStijl redt hem wel:
Al delete de VVD de pagina nog zo snel, GeenStijl redt hem wel:
dinsdag 30 oktober 2012
In Their Own Words: Obama's Effect on Military Families
By Elise Cooper
President Obama seems to have a disregard for those defending America. Recently, on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show, he commented on the death of three Americans and Ambassador Chris Stevens: "... it's not optimal." The mother of Sean Smith, a Foreign Service officer and one of the three killed, reportedly responded to the president: "My son is not very optimal. He is also very dead. It was a disrespectful thing to say[.]"
That is how many families feel about the president's attitude toward those who have died serving their country. Billy and Karen Vaughn spoke with American Thinker about their deceased Navy SEAL Team Six son, Aaron, and their views on this administration's rules of engagement policies.
Aaron Vaughn was one of thirty U.S. service members, including 22 members of SEAL Team Six, killed when the helicopter they were traveling in was downed on August 5, 2011, in Afghanistan. This was the largest loss of life in the history of naval special warfare. At the time of his death, Aaron left behind a two-year-old son, a two-month-old daughter, his wife, and his parents. He became a SEAL in 2004 and joined SEAL Team Six in 2010. He was one of the few SEALs to get his name on the "First Time Every Time Wall," an honor for those SEALs who passed every test on their first try.
Read more at: American Thinker
President Obama seems to have a disregard for those defending America. Recently, on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show, he commented on the death of three Americans and Ambassador Chris Stevens: "... it's not optimal." The mother of Sean Smith, a Foreign Service officer and one of the three killed, reportedly responded to the president: "My son is not very optimal. He is also very dead. It was a disrespectful thing to say[.]"
That is how many families feel about the president's attitude toward those who have died serving their country. Billy and Karen Vaughn spoke with American Thinker about their deceased Navy SEAL Team Six son, Aaron, and their views on this administration's rules of engagement policies.
Aaron Vaughn was one of thirty U.S. service members, including 22 members of SEAL Team Six, killed when the helicopter they were traveling in was downed on August 5, 2011, in Afghanistan. This was the largest loss of life in the history of naval special warfare. At the time of his death, Aaron left behind a two-year-old son, a two-month-old daughter, his wife, and his parents. He became a SEAL in 2004 and joined SEAL Team Six in 2010. He was one of the few SEALs to get his name on the "First Time Every Time Wall," an honor for those SEALs who passed every test on their first try.
Read more at: American Thinker
maandag 29 oktober 2012
Why Our Forces Were Told to ‘Stand Down’ in Benghazi
By Daniel Greenfield
To understand what went wrong in the Benghazi mission, it’s important to begin by looking at what was so unique about it.
When the Islamist mobs began their September 11 rampage, they found embassies with high walls, heavy security and police protection. Even in Tunis and Cairo, where the Arab Spring Islamist regimes have been accused of collaborating with their fellow Salafists, there were credible military and police forces capable of preventing the kind of full scale assault that took place in Benghazi.
The mission in Benghazi, however, was an American diplomatic facility with few defenses in a city where the police were virtually helpless against the Islamist militias and where the national government had announced that it would allow the Salafists to destroy Sufi tombs rather than intervene.
On September 1, I wrote that the real implication of these remarks was that the Libyan government had given the Islamists a free hand and would take no action no matter what they did. And bloodshed was sure to follow. Ten days later it did.
Read more at: Frontpage Magazine
To understand what went wrong in the Benghazi mission, it’s important to begin by looking at what was so unique about it.
When the Islamist mobs began their September 11 rampage, they found embassies with high walls, heavy security and police protection. Even in Tunis and Cairo, where the Arab Spring Islamist regimes have been accused of collaborating with their fellow Salafists, there were credible military and police forces capable of preventing the kind of full scale assault that took place in Benghazi.
The mission in Benghazi, however, was an American diplomatic facility with few defenses in a city where the police were virtually helpless against the Islamist militias and where the national government had announced that it would allow the Salafists to destroy Sufi tombs rather than intervene.
On September 1, I wrote that the real implication of these remarks was that the Libyan government had given the Islamists a free hand and would take no action no matter what they did. And bloodshed was sure to follow. Ten days later it did.
Read more at: Frontpage Magazine
zaterdag 27 oktober 2012
BREAKING: CIA Requested Help During Benghazi Battle, Were Denied Three Times (Updated)
by Bryan Preston
Fox’s Jennifer Griffin deserves a Pulitzer for the work she is doing to uncover what really happened during and after the assault at Benghazi. In her latest blockbuster, she reports on how American personnel were left without aid during the battle.
Who gave those stand-down orders? Was the CIA director, Gen. David Petraeus, aware of them? Did he approve them? Who specifically took any part on this decision?
Read more at: PJ Media
Fox’s Jennifer Griffin deserves a Pulitzer for the work she is doing to uncover what really happened during and after the assault at Benghazi. In her latest blockbuster, she reports on how American personnel were left without aid during the battle.
Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that three urgent requests from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. Consulate and subsequent attack nearly seven hours later were denied by officials in the CIA chain of command — who also told the CIA operators to “stand down” rather than help the ambassador’s team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.
Former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were part of a small team who were at the CIA annex about a mile from the U.S. Consulate where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his team came under attack. When they heard the shots fired, they radioed to inform their higher-ups to tell them what they were hearing. They were told to “stand down,” according to sources familiar with the exchange. An hour later, they called again to headquarters and were again told to “stand down.”
Who gave those stand-down orders? Was the CIA director, Gen. David Petraeus, aware of them? Did he approve them? Who specifically took any part on this decision?
Read more at: PJ Media
Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?
They fought for their lives for seven hours. 9/11/ 2012. Benghazi. The White House watched. No help was sent and they died.
Four Americans died in the jihadi attack on our consulate in Benghazi. Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, two retired SEALS who were working as civilian security specialists in Benghazi, learned that Ambassador Stevens and nine other people at the consulate were under attack and rushed to their defense. The fourth man was Sean Smith, father of three, an Air Force veteran, working for the State Department in Libya.
TheWhite House, the Pentagon, the State Department, and our military monitored the battle in real time starting with the first phone calls directly from Benghazi.
A small military force from Tripoli was dispatched and was able to rescue some personnel hiding in other buildings. Ambassador Stevens remained missing, as did these three men. The fire-fight raged on.The shocking news of October 22 was that a drone ordered in from Tripoli sent back images of the attack in real time. The battle was sent on streaming video direct to the Situation Room in the White House. Within two hours, emails from Benghazi reported that Al Qaeda in Libya was claiming responsibility.
President Obama, our Commander-in-Chief, had military options available to try and save our men. He could have had the drone armed with Hellfire missiles. He could have scrambled fighter jets from Sicily to drive off the attackers. He could have dropped in Special Forces. He had seven hours to take action.
He did nothing. Doherty and Woods died in the last hour of the attack.
Read more at: American Thinker
Update: Video: Obama ducks questions on why help wasn’t sent to Benghazi
donderdag 25 oktober 2012
Seals left to die in Benghazi...
They were on the roof of that building with that machine-gun for seven hours thinking somebody was coming to rescue them... and nobody came.
The next day the leader of the free world flew to Las Vegas for a political fund-raiser.
The next day the leader of the free world flew to Las Vegas for a political fund-raiser.
Al Qaeda,
Barack Hussein Obama,
woensdag 24 oktober 2012
The real reason behind Benghazigate
Was Obama gun-walking arms to jihadists?
By Frank J. Gaffney Jr.
President Obama’s once seemingly unstoppable march toward re-election hit what he might call “bumps in the road” in Benghazi, Libya, late on Sept. 11, 2012. It might be more accurate to describe the effect of the well-planned and -executed, military-style attack on a diplomatic facility there as the political equivalent of a devastating improvised explosive device on the myth of the unassailability of the Obama record as commander in chief.
Thanks to intrepid investigative reporting — notably by Bret Baier and Catherine Herridge at Fox News, Aaron Klein at WND.com and Clare Lopez at RadicalIslam.org — and information developed by congressional investigators, the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened that night and the reason for the subsequent, clumsy official cover-up now known as Benghazigate.
Read more at: The Washington Times
By Frank J. Gaffney Jr.
President Obama’s once seemingly unstoppable march toward re-election hit what he might call “bumps in the road” in Benghazi, Libya, late on Sept. 11, 2012. It might be more accurate to describe the effect of the well-planned and -executed, military-style attack on a diplomatic facility there as the political equivalent of a devastating improvised explosive device on the myth of the unassailability of the Obama record as commander in chief.
Thanks to intrepid investigative reporting — notably by Bret Baier and Catherine Herridge at Fox News, Aaron Klein at WND.com and Clare Lopez at RadicalIslam.org — and information developed by congressional investigators, the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened that night and the reason for the subsequent, clumsy official cover-up now known as Benghazigate.
Read more at: The Washington Times
Barack Hussein Obama,
zaterdag 20 oktober 2012
Back in the EUSSR
door Thomas Lifson
De Europese Unie, die onlangs de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede heeft gewonnen, heeft zichzelf net in de kaart laten kijken en heeft onbewust haar ware aard verraden. De Unie, die de macht concentreert in de handen van een ongekozen bureaucratie, terwijl ze intussen voor de vorm een parlement kiest, heeft een reclameposter die de ware aard van het beest laat zien.
Daniel Hannan van de Telegraph in het VK ontdekte de belediging:
Hij schrijft:
Kijk eens goed naar deze reclameposter. Valt u iets op? Naast de symbolen voor het christendom, judaïsme, jaïnisme enzovoort staat een van de meest verdorven emblemen die de mens ooit heeft bedacht: de hamer en sikkel.
Drie generaties lang betekende het symbool van de sovjetrevolutie armoede, slavernij, foltering en de dood. Het sierde de petten van de cheka's die 's nachts kwamen. Het werd getoond aan het begin en het einde van de propagandafilms die de hongersnoden verborgen hielden. Het kondigde de volksgerechten aan waar de slachtoffers van zuiveringsacties en schijnprocessen werden veroordeeld. Het wapperde boven de heropvoedingskampen en de goelags. Voor honderden miljoenen Europeanen was het een symbool van de vreemde bezetting. Hongarije, Litouwen en Moldova hebben het gebruik ervan verboden, en diverse vroegere communistische landen willen dat er op dezelfde manier mee wordt omgegaan als met de insignia van de nazi's.
Je moet je afvragen waarom de swastika op de poster ontbreekt. Die staat symbool voor een Europese ideologische innovatie die absoluut te vergelijken is met de hamer en de sikkel. Let op dat de hamer en sikkel bovenop de ster staat. Mocht u denken dat dat toeval is, hou dan eens op uzelf voor de gek te houden.
Communisten in Europa en elders, de Verenigde Staten niet uitgesloten, hebben zich niet officieel overgegeven toen de Sovjetunie en de Oost-Europese communistische landen hun geloof opgaven. Ze zijn gewoon doorgegaan met zich overal ter wereld in de politieke, culturele, educatieve en communicatie-infrastructuren in te graven.
Bron: American Thinker
De Europese Unie, die onlangs de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede heeft gewonnen, heeft zichzelf net in de kaart laten kijken en heeft onbewust haar ware aard verraden. De Unie, die de macht concentreert in de handen van een ongekozen bureaucratie, terwijl ze intussen voor de vorm een parlement kiest, heeft een reclameposter die de ware aard van het beest laat zien.
Daniel Hannan van de Telegraph in het VK ontdekte de belediging:
Hij schrijft:
Kijk eens goed naar deze reclameposter. Valt u iets op? Naast de symbolen voor het christendom, judaïsme, jaïnisme enzovoort staat een van de meest verdorven emblemen die de mens ooit heeft bedacht: de hamer en sikkel.
Drie generaties lang betekende het symbool van de sovjetrevolutie armoede, slavernij, foltering en de dood. Het sierde de petten van de cheka's die 's nachts kwamen. Het werd getoond aan het begin en het einde van de propagandafilms die de hongersnoden verborgen hielden. Het kondigde de volksgerechten aan waar de slachtoffers van zuiveringsacties en schijnprocessen werden veroordeeld. Het wapperde boven de heropvoedingskampen en de goelags. Voor honderden miljoenen Europeanen was het een symbool van de vreemde bezetting. Hongarije, Litouwen en Moldova hebben het gebruik ervan verboden, en diverse vroegere communistische landen willen dat er op dezelfde manier mee wordt omgegaan als met de insignia van de nazi's.
Je moet je afvragen waarom de swastika op de poster ontbreekt. Die staat symbool voor een Europese ideologische innovatie die absoluut te vergelijken is met de hamer en de sikkel. Let op dat de hamer en sikkel bovenop de ster staat. Mocht u denken dat dat toeval is, hou dan eens op uzelf voor de gek te houden.
Communisten in Europa en elders, de Verenigde Staten niet uitgesloten, hebben zich niet officieel overgegeven toen de Sovjetunie en de Oost-Europese communistische landen hun geloof opgaven. Ze zijn gewoon doorgegaan met zich overal ter wereld in de politieke, culturele, educatieve en communicatie-infrastructuren in te graven.
Bron: American Thinker
donderdag 18 oktober 2012
Obama, Oy Vey! American Jews Finally Have Had Enough
By Stella Paul
"Two Jews, three opinions" goes the famous joke. And every day, more of those opinions turn pro-Romney, as American Jews increasingly reject the collapsing presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.
Romney's surging poll numbers in the crucial state of Florida reflect his growing success with Bubbie Molly and her unemployed grandson Adam, who both thought their right hand would wither if it ever pulled the lever for a Republican.
The signs and portents are everywhere, beginning with the special election of a Republican in Anthony Weiner's heavily Jewish, New York congressional district one year ago. Now a startling new poll even has Romney performing the ultimate miracle: the parting of the blue states, winning the Jewish vote by a healthy 44% to 40%!
Read more at: American Thinker
"Two Jews, three opinions" goes the famous joke. And every day, more of those opinions turn pro-Romney, as American Jews increasingly reject the collapsing presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.
Romney's surging poll numbers in the crucial state of Florida reflect his growing success with Bubbie Molly and her unemployed grandson Adam, who both thought their right hand would wither if it ever pulled the lever for a Republican.
The signs and portents are everywhere, beginning with the special election of a Republican in Anthony Weiner's heavily Jewish, New York congressional district one year ago. Now a startling new poll even has Romney performing the ultimate miracle: the parting of the blue states, winning the Jewish vote by a healthy 44% to 40%!
Read more at: American Thinker
zondag 14 oktober 2012
Who’s ‘Politicizing’ Benghazi?
By Mark Steyn
"The entire reason that this has become the political topic it is is because of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.”
Thus, Stephanie Cutter, President Obama’s deputy campaign manager, speaking on CNN about an armed attack on the 9/11 anniversary that left a U.S. consulate a smoking ruin and killed four diplomatic staff, including the first American ambassador to be murdered in a third of a century. To discuss this event is apparently to “politicize” it and to distract from the real issues the American people are concerned about. For example, Obama spokesperson Jen Psaki, speaking on board Air Force One on Thursday: “There’s only one candidate in this race who is going to continue to fight for Big Bird and Elmo, and he is riding on this plane.”
She’s right! The United States is the first nation in history whose democracy has evolved to the point where its leader is provided with a wide-body transatlantic jet in order to campaign on the vital issue of public funding for sock puppets. Sure, Caligula put his horse in the senate, but it was a real horse. At Ohio State University, the rapper will.i.am introduced the president by playing the Sesame Street theme tune, which oddly enough seems more apt presidential-walk-on music for the Obama era than “Hail to the Chief.”
Read more at: National Review Online
"The entire reason that this has become the political topic it is is because of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.”
Thus, Stephanie Cutter, President Obama’s deputy campaign manager, speaking on CNN about an armed attack on the 9/11 anniversary that left a U.S. consulate a smoking ruin and killed four diplomatic staff, including the first American ambassador to be murdered in a third of a century. To discuss this event is apparently to “politicize” it and to distract from the real issues the American people are concerned about. For example, Obama spokesperson Jen Psaki, speaking on board Air Force One on Thursday: “There’s only one candidate in this race who is going to continue to fight for Big Bird and Elmo, and he is riding on this plane.”
She’s right! The United States is the first nation in history whose democracy has evolved to the point where its leader is provided with a wide-body transatlantic jet in order to campaign on the vital issue of public funding for sock puppets. Sure, Caligula put his horse in the senate, but it was a real horse. At Ohio State University, the rapper will.i.am introduced the president by playing the Sesame Street theme tune, which oddly enough seems more apt presidential-walk-on music for the Obama era than “Hail to the Chief.”
Read more at: National Review Online
woensdag 10 oktober 2012
Enough with Affirmative Action Presidents
By Neil Snyder
I taught at the University of Virginia for 25 years. During my time at UVA, I had three deans, and one of them was a black woman and an affirmative action hire. She turned out to be a disaster. Although the president made a mistake when he hired her, the full professors in my school made up their minds to do their best to help her out because it was in our school's interest for her to succeed. Regrettably, we couldn't help her because she wouldn't listen.
Consider this example: in her first year as dean, I chaired the Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (APT) Committee. The committee's chairmanship rotated among the full professors, and as fate would have it, it was my turn to chair the committee during her first year. Our new dean arrived in July, a couple of months before school started, and she called me at home one evening in August to tell me that she wanted to promote a particular female associate professor to full professor. The candidate she had in mind wasn't ready for promotion because her academic record wasn't good enough. That's exactly what I told the dean, but it didn't matter. She had made up her mind, and she naively expected me to follow orders. If she had had experience in academia, she would not have been so foolish.
Read more at: American Thinker
Read more at: American Thinker
dinsdag 9 oktober 2012
Saving Big Bird
![]() |
To the rescue! Evil Mitt Romney wants to kill Big Bird! |
Big Bird - Obama for America TV Ad
“From 2003 to 2006, ‘Sesame Street’ made more than $211 million from toy and consumer product sales.”
Jim DeMint on Wednesday, February 16th, 2011 in a blog post
Yet, Barack Hussein Obama wants to keep borrowing from the Chinese to subsidize a program that can easily fund itself. Smart power!
Here is what Mark Steyn has to say about it: Will Big Bird ever leave the government nest?
Update: The Republican National Committee points out that in the last few days, Obama has mentioned Big Bird eight times, and Elmo five--and Libya not at all.
Barack Hussein Obama,
Big Bird,
Mitt Romney,
Sesame Street
maandag 8 oktober 2012
Claim: Obama campaign illegally solicited foreign donors via social media website
President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign has been soliciting foreigners for donations, an explosive report from the conservative Government Accountability Institute (GAI) shows. Those foreign donors are allegedly visiting the Obama campaign’s donation solicitation Web pages through a social media website the campaign controls, and through an outside website that serves mostly Internet users from outside the United States.
About 20 percent of visitors to the “my.barackobama.com” social media website “originated from foreign locations,” the report found. That Web address is owned and controlled by the Obama re-election campaign.
“At no point during the [website's] subscription process is a visitor asked whether he or she can legally donate to a U.S. election,” GAI notes.
Read the whole sordid story at: The Daily Caller
About 20 percent of visitors to the “my.barackobama.com” social media website “originated from foreign locations,” the report found. That Web address is owned and controlled by the Obama re-election campaign.
“At no point during the [website's] subscription process is a visitor asked whether he or she can legally donate to a U.S. election,” GAI notes.
Read the whole sordid story at: The Daily Caller
Well, let's see if the Lame Stream Media deigns to report this story this time around, unlike in 2008 when it only appeared on Republican-leaning blogs...
Update: Townhall
Update: Townhall
zondag 7 oktober 2012
vrijdag 5 oktober 2012
Obama's Poor Debate: The Affirmative Action President Exposed
Lloyd Marcus
If I were a part of the brain-dead, racist herd of African-Americans who voted for Obama solely because he is black and celebrated him winning the presidency, I would feel pretty betrayed and embarrassed by Obama's debate performance. I mean, after all, we were told by the MSM and the left that Obama was all that and a bag of chips -- the smartest man on the planet, a messiah, the one!
As it were, I am an unhyphenated American who happens to be black. I did not drink the left's racially sweetened Kool-Aid and vote for Obama. Upon studying the content of his character and comments he made to Joe the Plumber, I knew that Obama was the wrong man, black or white, for America.
So all you blacks who voted for Obama should feel pretty betrayed. The left submitted a far-left racial empty suit for your "first black president," and you fell for it. From the very beginning, the mainstream media exempted Obama from the usual vetting process of candidates seeking to be president of the United States. To this day, after four years into his reign of terror, we still know very little about this man.
Read more at: American Thinker
So all you blacks who voted for Obama should feel pretty betrayed. The left submitted a far-left racial empty suit for your "first black president," and you fell for it. From the very beginning, the mainstream media exempted Obama from the usual vetting process of candidates seeking to be president of the United States. To this day, after four years into his reign of terror, we still know very little about this man.
Read more at: American Thinker
woensdag 3 oktober 2012
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