vrijdag 9 juni 2017

Convert, Pay, or Die

Convert, pay, or die is the set of choices Islam offers infidels. Coincidentally, this is also what today's progressives and the Democratic Party offer nonbelievers, climate "deniers," white males, heterosexuals, patriots, blue-collar workers, farmers, miners, people without a college degree, the religiously devout, Republicans, and everybody else choosing not to buy into the party's version of what America is and what the nation owes both its citizens and the world.

Our country has collectively "slipped into madness." Hatred in the name of diversity and political unity has become a goal in itself – and it is ascendant in modern culture, all compelled by leftist ideology.

No matter how many are killed, maimed, or merely terrified in the name of Allah, for progressives, the problem will always be Islamophobia, or an ignorant populace too uneducated to understand the inherent nuance of the "religion of peace."

Those who suggest enhanced screening for immigrants from Islamic nations or even a limited suspension, as President Trump proposed, are greeted with rioting in the streets, for to look askance at a man who expresses an explicit desire to kill in the name of Allah is tantamount to outright racism.