Shalom From Turkey
Dear Sir or madam,
I am a 31 years old Turkish man
I do not want to take a risk or maybe advance my self by not showing my identity. So i am not posting via email. I just want to express my feelings.
All my life, there was always some hate to Israel in me. But i dont know why? In my country, it was always like a duty that everyone should hate Israel and their religion without any reason
Everyone hates israel here, but no one knows why. As usual, i grow up with this meaningless hate in me.
But i think, Turkey is not the only country like this. Most of non israilian people talks dirty against Israel. Its very common in all around the world.
But this is your fault. Because, when i hear the word “israel” always that scene comes to my mind. The scene that israel soldiers killed the son and his father on the wall.
And this year, god bless youtube (its banned in turkey) i see that it is a fake video. But i think only one in a million in Turkey knows this.
This is your goverments fault. You have to show the truth to the other people.
From my childhood, everynight i see an israel soldier beats a palestanian in news. Or shoots civilians etc etc. I realise the truths lately. But im sure millions of Turkey still dont realize
When the big earth quake disease happened in Turkey, i remember that israel helped alot to us. People did not talk dirty that time. That gave me the wonder. Could an israil people have a good heart??
Last summer, i met a group of Israel people in Turkey. We chatted and spend time alot. And i had my questions about israel answered. And i got shocked that israel people are as human as we are.
I met a man from Greece. That country is full of orthadoks cristians. And that guy, in a secret and “with a little shame in himself” weared your sion star. And i understand, he belives your religion in a secret.
He was a great friend and his philosophy of life was very similiar to me. So i ask my self “if your religion could not be that much disgusting that all the people talks like”.
People can born and change their religion to your religion. So that religion must have something good in it.
For all those and much much things make me to ask my self “why and where did i get this hate to israel from”. Now i know the answer, thats not because israel people are bad. Thats because you dont advertise your self good.
In Turkey no one knows and cares about the beggining of the war in Gazze. Everyone protests Israel, but when i ask, “do you know how this war starts”..
None says “yes”.
None cares. Its always free and pleasure to protest Israel in Turkey and in all over the world.
No one knows that Palestane rockets cuts the peace.
All the media is against Israel. Its usual, its free.
None of the media talks about civilians in Israel side.
Everyone is shouting against israel and no one talks about the Palestanian rockets
Everyday im getting “anti israel” emails. Even mobile phone sms’es.
People came for the big meeting from all around Turkey to protest Israel.
Big economical crisis is happening here. People are loosing their job everyday. But they dont protest the economy.
People gave money to help Palestin. Even the children In PRIMARY SCHOOOLS.
Now please tell me. Are Israel or Palestine is winning the war?? You only killed 1200 terrorists. And now millions are against you.1200 people are not called terrorists in Turkey. They call 1200 Civilians.
That war was a sly plan of hamas. Now you make 1200 hamas soldiers as a ” islamic heroes”. You are making Tayyip Erdogan the biggest muslim cihad leader. You are loosing. Terrorism is wining.
I am muslim. But i am not stupid. I got my own brain. Even all the media and all the Turkey says one thing, i will belive my own feelings.
I watched the Davos conversations. Mr Peres was amazingly sattisfied the people about the truths. He talked reasonable. No one could disagree to his words. So our primister “with his 47% votes with his pocket” ruined everything.
He is uneducated and rude man. If was just enough educated to be a prime minister he would speak any other language than Turkish. I am sorry to have that kind of prime minister to my country. What a militant politician. Uneducated slums boy.
So please, i beg you, please do very very much of advertising your people and your religion. And make sure any more people instead of me here in Turkey would please understand why you are fighting for.
Tell about the terrorist attacks in your country. Tell about the rockets
And please, know that, all the media and almost all the people are fooled and “armed” against your country, there are people like me , that have their own brain and own heart with you
Even we dont share our religion, i belive that we pray for the same rights to same god.
I love you my Israil brother. Please show all the world the truths. You can not win this war, only with the guns. Please advertise and propoganda about the truths.
Please, make Mr Peres read this. Not all the Turkey are blind! All my best wishes and my muslim prayers for all my Israel brothers
Allaha emanet olun ( May god be with you)
Dat Israël inderdaad nog veel kan verbeteren in het bestrijden van haatzaai-propaganda klopt als een bus. Vier weken na het einde van Operation Cast Lead komt de IDF eindelijk met een rapport dat de cijfers (verstrekt door het Palestinian Center for Human Rights) over burgerslachtoffers in Gaza volledig onderuit haalt.
Niet twee-derde, maar een-derde van de slachtoffers is een burger, en bij dat aantal zijn dan zelfs nog vrouwelijke zelfmoordterroristen opgeteld en de vrouwen en kinderen van Nizar Rayyan, een commandant van Hamas die weigerde zijn familieleden te laten vertrekken nadat de IDF hem had gewaarschuwd dat zijn huis zou worden gebombardeerd.
Slachtoffers die te boek stonden als medisch personeel blijken terroristen van Hamas te zijn, zoals bijvoorbeeld Anas Naim, de neef van de Hamas minister van Gezondheid Bassem Naim, wiens foto (met kalashnikof en granaatwerper) op een website van Hamas prijkt.
Ook een klassiek voorbeeld van misleiding is het incident bij de VN-school in Jabalya, waar de IDF volgens Palestijnse berichten de school had geraakt en 40 of meer burgers had gedood. In werkelijkheid waren er 12 doden, waarvan 9 terroristen van Hamas. Bovendien heeft zelfs de VN erkend dat de IDF vijandelijk vuur beantwoordde en de school zelf niet is geraakt.
IDF: World duped by Hamas's false civilian death toll figures
Too little, too late?
Intussen hebben de Palestijnse cijfers natuurlijk wekenlang rondgezongen en de publieke opinie beïnvloed. Operation Cast Lead is inmiddels voor velen oud nieuws, wie interesseert zich nog voor nieuwe cijfers, als ze die al onder ogen krijgen? De Israelische blogger Israellycool legt de vinger op de zere plek als hij zich afvraagt waarom deze gegevens in de Jerusalem Post voor eigen publiek worden gepubliceerd, waarom de internationale media niet wordt uitgenodigd op een persconferentie, waarom vertegenwoordigers van Israël de bevindingen niet presenteren op CNN, Fox en dergelijke. Ook vraagt hij zich af waarom niet al veel eerder is bekendgemaakt dat dit onderzoek plaatsvindt en dat de eerste resultaten aangeven dat de cijfers bewust waren verdraaid?
Hij heeft gelijk als hij zegt dat de schade al is aangericht. De Palestijnse propaganda heeft wekenlang zijn werk kunnen doen door Israël voor velen af te schilderen als een oorlogszuchtige staat die niets liever doet dan arme, zielige Palestijnen de dood in jagen. In de strijd om de publieke opinie heeft Israël nog veel te leren en te winnen.