We zijn in Europa met 50 miljoen moslims. Er zijn tekenen dat Allah in Europa de overwinning aan de moslims gaat geven zonder zwaarden, geweren en zonder strijd. Het zal binnen tientallen jaren veranderen in een moslim continent.
Migreren is van…
Lees verder op: westerse-beschaving.org
vrijdag 9 oktober 2015
The Muslim Madness of Merkel
7.36 million Muslims invade Germany.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted that refusing to take in Muslim migrants is a “danger for Europe.” Merkel as usual had it backward. It’s her program of taking in Muslim migrants that represents the gravest threat to the freedom and future of Europe since the fall of the Soviet Union.
Merkel may have already doomed Germany. The Bild newspaper published a leaked secret government document estimating that the number of migrants invading Europe this year might reach 1.5 million.
And that bad news gets much worse because the document estimates that each migrant will bring in as many as eight family members once they’re settled in, bringing the year’s true total to 7.36 million.
That’s almost 10 percent of the population of Germany. In just one invasion.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted that refusing to take in Muslim migrants is a “danger for Europe.” Merkel as usual had it backward. It’s her program of taking in Muslim migrants that represents the gravest threat to the freedom and future of Europe since the fall of the Soviet Union.
Merkel may have already doomed Germany. The Bild newspaper published a leaked secret government document estimating that the number of migrants invading Europe this year might reach 1.5 million.
And that bad news gets much worse because the document estimates that each migrant will bring in as many as eight family members once they’re settled in, bringing the year’s true total to 7.36 million.
That’s almost 10 percent of the population of Germany. In just one invasion.
Agent van de vreemdelingenpolitie: Instorting dreigt, burgeroorlog zal komen!
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(Vertaling: E.J. Bron)
“Info-DIREKT” sprak met een agent van de vreemdelingenpolitie in het oosten van Oostenrijk, die dagelijks te maken heeft met de aankomende “vluchtelingen”. Zijn dagelijkse ervaring brengt hem tot de vernietigende prognose dat er binnenkort op burgeroorlog gelijkende toestanden en onlusten zullen uitbreken.
Info-DIREKT: U bent als agent van de vreemdelingenpolitie werkzaam in het oosten van Oostenrijk. Hoe is de dagelijkse dient bij de “vluchtelingen”?Antwoord: Die is ondraaglijk en niet meer te doen! Eerst wil ik alle vrijwilligers bedanken, die weliswaar met de beste bedoelingen handelen en eigenlijk overheidstaken vervullen, maar uiteindelijk ook de instorting van het systeem alleen maar kunnen vertragen. Eigenlijk is het systeem al volledig overbelast en de ondergang gewijd.
Muslims in the hospital, Muslims on the train, as Europe hands over the keys to the kingdom
Here are two snapshots of what life can be like when Muslims behaving badly come to your town.
In medical settings: A female doctor in Germany describes a horrifying scene of Muslim invaders overwhelming the health care system – making demands, threats, and attacking staff. The masses that are descending upon Europe are also arriving with an array of communicable diseases, including diseases the West has never seen before. The sub-titled video of the doctor’s report can be found here.
In medical settings: A female doctor in Germany describes a horrifying scene of Muslim invaders overwhelming the health care system – making demands, threats, and attacking staff. The masses that are descending upon Europe are also arriving with an array of communicable diseases, including diseases the West has never seen before. The sub-titled video of the doctor’s report can be found here.
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