8 april 2011door E.J. Bron
De internationaal bekende journalist en islamcriticus Michael Mannheimer heeft vandaag opgeroepen tot algemeen verzet van de Duitse bevolking tegen het politieke establishment. Hij beroept zich daarbij op Art. 20 Abs. 4 GG. Dit artikel is uniek in westerse grondwetten en dient een herhaling zoals de machtsgreep van Hitler in 1933 te voorkomen. Maar leest u zelf!:
”Een openbaar appel aan alle vrijheidslievende burgers van Duitsland en aan alle mensen in ons land, die willen dat onze kinderen en kleinkinderen ook in de toekomst een leven in vrijheid en menswaardigheid kunnen leven:
Nadat nu ook de kerk de ergst mogelijke vijand omarmt die voor vrijheid, gelijkheid en broederschap van alle mensen voorstelbaar is, de islam, is nu het laatste bolwerk in het verzet tegen het mensenvijandige fascisme islam gevallen.
Tegen de wil van het Duitse volk werden miljoenen mensen binnengebracht, die onze culturele en civilisatorische verworvenheden verachten en onze Europese cultuur (die geenszins islamitisch, maar Grieks-Romeins en joods-christelijk beïnvloed is!) willen afschaffen ten gunste van het barbaarse systeem islam. In Duitsland en de rest van Europa werken moslims al tientallen jaren lang gestaag en met groot succes aan de overname van ons continent.
Lees meer op: Artikel7.nu
De oorspronkele tekst van Michael Mannheimer is te vinden als reactie #68 op het artikel: EKD-Chef: Islam nicht Friedenswillen absprechen.
vrijdag 8 april 2011
By Pete Papaherakles
Internationalist billionaire George Soros is holding his international conference April 8 to April 11 at Bretton Woods, N.H., the noted birthplace of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, where he plans to “rearrange the entire financial order,” as he noted in a November 2009 article in The Japan Times Online.
This “Bretton Woods II” comes along just as the Trilateral Commission will be meeting at the same time in Washington, D.C. With an apparent goal of creating nothing less than a new global economy, Soros is spending $50 million in New Hampshire to bring together up to 200 academic, business and government policy leaders under his Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET).
As AFP goes to press, the attendees are to include ex-Fed Chairman Paul Volcker, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and World Bank executive and Nobel Prize winner in economics Joseph Stiglitz.
The conference is slated for the Mount Washington Hotel, site of the historic 1944 Bretton Woods conference, which established the post-World War II international financial architecture.
Soros chose this site because he expects his proposed reforms to be as radical as those promoted by British economist John Maynard Keynes, the much-praised “genius” of the original Bretton Woods project.
Lees meer op: AmericanFreePress.net
Internationalist billionaire George Soros is holding his international conference April 8 to April 11 at Bretton Woods, N.H., the noted birthplace of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, where he plans to “rearrange the entire financial order,” as he noted in a November 2009 article in The Japan Times Online.
This “Bretton Woods II” comes along just as the Trilateral Commission will be meeting at the same time in Washington, D.C. With an apparent goal of creating nothing less than a new global economy, Soros is spending $50 million in New Hampshire to bring together up to 200 academic, business and government policy leaders under his Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET).
As AFP goes to press, the attendees are to include ex-Fed Chairman Paul Volcker, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and World Bank executive and Nobel Prize winner in economics Joseph Stiglitz.
The conference is slated for the Mount Washington Hotel, site of the historic 1944 Bretton Woods conference, which established the post-World War II international financial architecture.
Soros chose this site because he expects his proposed reforms to be as radical as those promoted by British economist John Maynard Keynes, the much-praised “genius” of the original Bretton Woods project.
Lees meer op: AmericanFreePress.net
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