maandag 1 augustus 2016

Is there a backstory about Khizr Khan and Donald Trump?

By Eileen F. Toplansky

What is one to make of the Democratic Convention speech of Khizr Khan, a Pakistani-born Virginia lawyer whose son Humayun was killed in action in Iraq in 2004?

According to Byron York: 
Khan's brief speech wasn't a finely-detailed case. But he suggested that Trump's Muslim ban and Mexican border wall proposals are unconstitutional. Specifically, Khan cited the words 'liberty' and 'equal protection of the law' in suggesting that Trump's policies violate the Constitution.

Khizr Khan, Servant of the Global Umma

His son died in service of the U.S. military; now his father is using his memory to advance a different cause.

by Robert Spencer

The mainstream media is wild with enthusiasm these days over Khizr Khan, the father of a Muslim soldier, Humayun Khan, who was killed fighting in Iraq in 2004. Khizr Khan, brimming with self-righteous anger, spoke at the Democratic National Convention, where he delivered what the Washington Post dubbed a “brutal repudiation of Donald Trump.” Trump responded, elevating Khizr Khan to the status of full-fledged flavor-of-the-moment media celebrity. There’s just one catch: Khizr is using his son’s memory not to advance the cause of the United States, as his son apparently died trying to do, but to advance a quite different cause: that of the global umma.

The well-heeled and powerful backers of the global jihad – those who have enabled the Islamic State (ISIS), al-Qaeda, and other jihad groups to grow as powerful as they have today -- are enraged at Donald Trump. They are deeply worried by his call for a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration into the United States, as that will make it much more difficult for jihadis to get into this country. They are anxious to stigmatize any and all resistance to jihad terror – and so, happily enough for them, is the Democratic Party, which has eagerly signed on to the longtime strategy employed by Islamic supremacist advocacy groups in the U.S., to demonize all effective measures against jihad terror as “bigoted” and “Islamophobic.”


Hungary Blasts EU with Common Sense on Islam

The writing was on the wall a long time ago.

Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

In “an astonishingly savage tirade”—to quote from the UK’s Express—Hungary’s Prime Minister Victor Orban recently tore into the European Union “over [Muslim] migration and taunted Angela Merkel for failing to protect German people from Islamist terror.”

(Click here to learn why central and eastern European nations, Hungary chief among them, are wary of Islam.)

In the course of his speech, Orban made two important points that I habitually make, and which explain the true reasons behind the unprecedented rise of terrorism in EU nations: 1) Islam’s Rule of Numbers; 2) Western enablement of Islam.


Viktor Orbán: Migranten zijn “gif” en daarom willen we ze niet hebben

De Hongaarse minister-president Viktor Orbán.

 (Door: Jean Bon – Vertaling: E.J. Bron)

In het kader van een samen met de Oostenrijkse bondskanselier Christian Kern gehouden persconferentie verklaarde de Hongaarse minister-president Viktor Orbán op duidelijke en niet mis te verstane wijze dat migranten “gif” zijn en dat men hen daarom niet in Hongarije wil hebben. Deze uitspraak dient mede gezien te worden tegen de achtergrond van de moord op de priester Jacques Hamel in Normandië.

“Hongarije heeft geen enkele migrant nodig voor het functioneren van zijn economie of voor het behoud van zijn bevolking of voor de toekomst van het land”, verklaarde Orbán. “Dit is ook de reden waarom er geen noodzaak bestaat voor een gemeenschappelijke Europese migratiepolitiek: wie migranten wil hebben, moet ze bij zich opnemen, maar mag ons niet met geweld in dezelfde richting dwingen. Wij hebben bij ons geen migranten nodig.”

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HET EINDE IS NABIJ!!! (Ledenbrief “De Patriotten”, 31 juli 2016)

(Door: M.A.L. Sion)

Beste Patriotten,

Deze brief draagt de titel: Het einde is nabij. Nauwkeuriger is: ONS EINDE IS NABIJ. De regeringen in Europa, met Frau Merkel voorop, hebben ons in het verderf gestort. Onze samenleving is met een massa moslims geïnfiltreerd van een angstwekkende omvang. Er wordt gesproken van meer dan 60 miljoen.

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