vrijdag 13 april 2018


Come on, President Trump, use your common sense! No solid proof Assad did it, > no need to get out the big bombs. Do you really want to be the guy who orders the equivalent of a lynching on no proof?

donderdag 12 april 2018

US Backed Syrian Rebels Caught Staging Corpses of Dead Children in Douma to Play on Western Emotions

The same Syrian rebels who claimed the Assad Government dropped chemical bombs on innocents in Douma were caught using dead children to play on Western emotions.

BBC reporter Riam Dalati tweeted: “Sick and Tired of activists and rebels using corpses of dead children to stage emotive scenes for Western consumption.”

Read more>>>  

dinsdag 3 april 2018

Winnie Mandela, 81, Sociopath, Sang While Torturing 14-Year-Old Boy

Nelson and Winnie Mandela were both Communist terrorists. But while Nelson Mandela could play the political prisoner and the saintly martyr, his ex-wife couldn't be anything more than a sociopath. The media obituaries evade all the uncomfortable and unpleasant facts of her life. The word, "courage" is often used. It has the same relevance to her that it does to Goebbels or Beria.

Winnie Mandela was a monster. If there were any justice, she would have died behind bars.

Here's a reminder of what the media obituaries now won't mention.