dinsdag 23 januari 2018

Sigrid Kaag, de VN-Koningin van Buitenlandse Zaken Sigrid Kaag, de VN-Koningin van Buitenlandse Zaken

Nederland spekt geldverslindende VN-organisatie UNRWA

VVD-minister Halbe Zijlstra was nog maar net terug uit Ramallah of de op Holocaustontkenning gepromoveerde president Mahmoud Abbas hield een avondvullende antisemitische toespraak. Vorige week zondag beledigde hij Holocaustoverlevenden en hun nabestaanden; bedreigde president Donald Trump, VN-diplomaat Nikki Haley en VS-ambassadeur David Friedman; ridiculiseerde de Joodse geschiedenis; citeerde Holocaustontkenners, complotdenkers en islamitische antisemieten; verheerlijkte geweld, terreur en martelaren; vervalste een paar eeuwen geschiedenis en haalde en passant ook Nederland door het slijk.

Aangezien men in Brussel en Den Haag ieder verkeerd uitgesproken woord van IsraĆ«lische politici weegt, ontleedt en veroordeelt, zou je toch op z’n minst een of andere reactie verwachten op deze urenlange vuilspuiterij  dr. Holocaust. EU-commissaris Federica Mogherini liet via haar woordvoerder weten dat ze ‘nooit commentaar becommentarieert’. Ook Halbe hield zich stil, evenals het kabinet en de Tweede Kamer.

Lees verder>>>

woensdag 17 januari 2018

zaterdag 13 januari 2018

Black Protest Has Lost Its Power

Have whites finally found the courage to judge African-Americans fairly by universal standards?

The recent protests by black players in the National Football League were rather sad for their fruitlessness. They may point to the end of an era for black America, and for the country generally—an era in which protest has been the primary means of black advancement in American life.

There was a forced and unconvincing solemnity on the faces of these players as they refused to stand for the national anthem. They seemed more dutiful than passionate, as if they were mimicking the courage of earlier black athletes who had protested: Tommie Smith and John Carlos, fists in the air at the 1968 Olympics; Muhammad Ali, fearlessly raging against the Vietnam War; Jackie Robinson, defiantly running the bases in the face of racist taunts. The NFL protesters seemed to hope for a little ennoblement by association


vrijdag 12 januari 2018

NEW VIDEO: Twitter Senior Engineer “more than happy” to Release Private Trump Messages to DOJ

A Project Veritas undercover investigation has revealed a senior network security engineer at Twitter suggesting that his company turns over the private communications and deleted tweets of President Donald Trump to the Department of Justice. If true, it is yet unknown whether Twitter is voluntarily disclosing this sensitive information or acting under a court order. Twitter is currently in the midst of defending itself from left-leaning criticism that President Trump hasn’t been removed from the enormous media platform for violations of Twitter’s Terms of Service.
Mr. O’Keefe has just completed a book about this series entitled “AMERICAN PRAVDA: My fight for Truth in the Era of Fake News.” The book will be released by St. Martin’s Press on January 16, 2018.
Pre-order the book: http://www.americanpravdabook.com
Note: At 2:42, we mistakenly stated that the meeting occurred on January 3, 2017. The meeting actually occurred on January 3, 2018
 Watch the video here.

donderdag 4 januari 2018

Civil Rights Complaint Filed Against Twitter For Attacks on Conservative Americans

We are reaching a tipping point. The reckless, capricious abuse of our freedoms by uniformly left-wing social media managers demands government intervention.

Readers of my book FATWA: Hunted in America are painfully aware of the social media war on free speech activists. I have detailed the oppressive ongoing campaign of attrition by Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube – social media giants run by uniformly leftwing corporate managers – against me, not to mention my colleagues. Just this week Twitter terminated the account of the winner of AFDI’s Muhammad Art Exhibit, former Muslim Bosch Fawstin. The ensuing outcry moved Twitter to reinstate his account but that is hardly the answer. What about counter jihad activists and conservatives without a huge social media voice or influential social media friends. Milo , on the other hand, is still banned from Twitter.

Facebook has banned my feed to over two million followers. Google AdSense has terminated my account, libeling my site as “dangerous”. Pinterest has designated links to my site as “inappropriate content” thereby prohibiting their users from sharing Geller Report articles. After 12 years, YouTube terminated my account (only to reinstate it after public outcry). Twitter has shadowbanned me. I could go on …. but you get the picture.

My legal team, the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) filed a federal lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, challenging Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) under the First Amendment. The legal premise of the suit is as follows: “Section 230 provides immunity from lawsuits to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, thereby permitting these social media giants to engage in government-sanctioned censorship and discriminatory business practices free from legal challenge.” We were “often subject to censorship and discrimination by Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube” because of our beliefs and views, “which Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube consider expression that is offensive to Muslims. Such discrimination, which is largely religion-based in that these California businesses are favoring adherents of Islam over those who are not, is prohibited in many states, but particularly in California by the state’s anti-discrimination law, which is broadly construed to prohibit all forms of discrimination. However, because of the immunity granted by the federal government, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are free to engage in their otherwise unlawful, discriminatory practices.”


Afshin Ellian gaat los op de NOS vanwege Iran: “Jullie zijn de schaamte voorbij”

Foto: Demonstranten in Iran, vlak voordat ze worden aangevallen door de Revolutionaire Garde. Bron: Armin Navabi / Twitter.

Islamisten zijn altijd zielig. 
Afshin Ellian is gisteravond laat geheel terecht losgegaan op de walgelijke hypocrieten van de NOS, die alle propaganda van de gekke Ayatollahs maar wat graag verspreiden. De betogers — die meer vrijheid en een minder corrupt bestuur willen — worden weggezet als een stel gewelddadige hooligans, terwijl het onderdrukkende regime gepresenteerd wordt als best leuk.
Ellian vindt dat niet kunnen… en maakt van zijn hart bepaald geen moordkuil:

maandag 1 januari 2018

2017: The year in which Europe lost its press freedom

The year 2017, was a year in which an essential aspect of European culture disappeared: Our press freedom

Of course things started earlier, with several journalists and reporters already needing protection against religious fanatics for example, but active forms of state controlled censorship were extremely rare.

This changed in Germany: Since the 1st of October when a new censorship law in Germany became effective. The new law requires Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms to censor the content of its users according to German law.

Germany is Europe’s most populous country and the law has large consequences for a news channel like Voice of Europe. This week we received two emails that some of our tweets would be censored in Germany. One tweet was a public quote of a Russian EU ambassador on twitter. He said:

“The migrant crisis is a time bomb and will destroy Europe’s high living standards”