vrijdag 30 juni 2017

"Mega-criminaliteit onder de pet gehouden”

Den Haag - UPDATE 12.50 uur: PVV-leider Geert Wilders is woedend dat criminele asielzoekers straffeloos in de fout blijken te gaan en dat cijfers daarover onder de pet zijn gehouden. „Schandelijk!”

„Honderden asielzoekers per maand verdacht”, verwijst hij naar de berichtgeving van De Telegraaf. Vooral de misdaad onder kansloze asielzoekers uit veilige landen blijkt welig te tieren, er wordt op bestelling geroofd en dit kan zelfs straffeloos gebeuren.

Lees meer>>>

How America Armed Terrorists In Syria

Three-term Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, a member of both the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committees, has proposed legislation that would prohibit any U.S. assistance to terrorist organizations in Syria as well as to any organization working directly with them. Equally important, it would prohibit U.S. military sales and other forms of military cooperation with other countries that provide arms or financing to those terrorists and their collaborators.

Gabbard’s “Stop Arming Terrorists Act” challenges for the first time in Congress a U.S. policy toward the conflict in the Syrian civil war that should have set off alarm bells long ago: in 2012-13 the Obama administration helped its Sunni allies Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar provide arms to Syrian and non-Syrian armed groups to force President Bashar al-Assad out of power. And in 2013 the administration began to provide arms to what the CIA judged to be “relatively moderate” anti-Assad groups—meaning they incorporated various degrees of Islamic extremism.

That policy, ostensibly aimed at helping replace the Assad regime with a more democratic alternative, has actually helped build up al Qaeda’s Syrian franchise al Nusra Front into the dominant threat to Assad.

The supporters of this arms-supply policy believe it is necessary as pushback against Iranian influence in Syria. But that argument skirts the real issue raised by the policy’s history. The Obama administration’s Syria policy effectively sold out the U.S. interest that was supposed to be the touchstone of the “Global War on Terrorism”—the eradication of al Qaeda and its terrorist affiliates. The United States has instead subordinated that U.S. interest in counter-terrorism to the interests of its Sunni allies. In doing so it has helped create a new terrorist threat in the heart of the Middle East.


Very Fake News Scandal Consumes CNN as Jeff Zucker, Network Flack Refuse to Comment on Russia Retraction to Own Network

The scandal surrounding CNN’s mishandling of a very fake news hit piece on President Donald Trump and his associates grows bigger on Sunday night as the network’s president Jeff Zucker and public relations team are refusing to comment to anyone — even to CNN media reporter Brian Stelter — about what happened.

Stelter, in his Sunday evening newsletter named for the television program he hosts Reliable Sources, credited a Breitbart News investigation with forcing what he admitted is an embarrassing retraction for his employer CNN.

“On Friday evening CNN.com fully retracted a story after questions were raised about the accuracy of the reporting and sourcing,” Stelter wrote:


Also read: CNN Is Imposing Strict New Rules On Its Russia Coverage

maandag 26 juni 2017

DHS John Kelly Defunds, Disinvites Islamic Groups Favored By Barack Obama

Administration officials have eliminated 2016 plans to fund Islamic groups allied to former President Barack Obama, and declined to schedule a 2017 Islamic ‘Iftar’ dinner where those groups were able to show their political influence to the ambassadors of wealthy Islamic countries.

The turnaround was made public on Friday when the Department of Homeland Security announced a revised list of the organizations which are getting DHS funds to help revent young Muslims from becoming jihadis. The new list replaced an Obama list announced January 13, 2017, and it dropped a $800,000 grant for an Islamic seminary in Los Angeles, and a $393,000 grant for a linked organization, the Muslim Public Affairs Council Foundation.

The foundation is a spin-off of the D.C.-based Muslim Public Affairs Council, whose leaders were frequent advisors to Obama and his deputies, where they lobbied for a national strategy of letting semi-segregated Islamic political communities and groups — but not the FBI — play the leading role in combating Islamic terrorism.


zondag 25 juni 2017

Why Germany Is Once Again a Threat to the West

In the mainstream media, the policies of the German prime minister, Angela Merkel, are often portrayed as a form of atonement for Germany’s past sins of imperialism and genocide. Letting in a million refugees is supposedly the absolute negation of the Holocaust, and pressing for further European cooperation is seen as the opposite of Germany’s old attempts to violently bring the rest of Europe under its control. And for these very reasons, progressive politicians and intellectuals around the world are now looking up to Merkel as the defender of pluralistic Western values.

At first sight, this praise for Merkel doesn’t seem so far-fetched, even for conservatives who fundamentally oppose her policies. After all, she is acting out of genuine goodwill and charity towards the downtrodden of the Middle East, isn’t she? And we may disagree about the feasibility and consequences of further European integration, but given Europe’s bloody past it seems perfectly understandable that Germany’s prime minister is calling for more harmony among European nations.


vrijdag 23 juni 2017

They Brushed Off Kamala Harris. Then She Brushed Us Off.

Last week, Senator Kamala Harris, a Democrat from California, made headlines when Republican senators interrupted her at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee while she interrogated Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The clip of the exchange went viral; journalists, politicians and everyday Americans debated what the shushing signified about our still sexist culture.

The very next day, Senator Harris took her seat in front of us as a member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. We were there to testify about the ideology of political Islam, or Islamism.

Both of us were on edge. Earlier that day, across the Potomac River, a man had shot a Republican lawmaker and others on a baseball diamond in Alexandria, Va. And just moments before the hearing began, a man wearing a Muslim prayer cap had stood up and heckled us, putting Capitol police officers on high alert. We were girding ourselves for tough questions.

But they never came. The Democrats on the panel, including Senator Harris and three other Democratic female senators — North Dakota’s Heidi Heitkamp, New Hampshire’s Maggie Hassan and Missouri’s Claire McCaskill — did not ask either of us a single question.


D66 paait moslims en basht christenen

Hoe anders dan met afkeer kun je het kat en muis-spel zien dat Alexander Pechtold met de ChristenUnie speelt? Nu hij noodgedwongen alsnog met ze in discussie moet, begint hij aan die klus met aversie op het smoelwerk. Alsof hem geen blaam treft, alsof híj het slachtoffer is van politieke manipulatie, alsof hij de ChristenUnie een hele gunst bewijst door te komen opdagen. De kunst van de omdraaiing: vintage Pechtold.

Onwillig stond hij de door hemzelf opgetrommelde pers voor de rijsttafel met Gert-Jan Segers te woord. Nee, néé, het was geen verzoening. Nee, geen excuuseten, néé. Met een gestrekt neen ging hij naar binnen. Na afloop draafde hij weg toen hij de camera’s die hij zelf besteld had, zag naderen. Missie voltooid. De gekwelde politicus die met enorme tegenzin een daad van vaderlandsliefde verrichtte, praten met die onwenselijke christenen, was in beeld vereeuwigd. Geen aardig gebaar kon er vanaf. In alles moest de D66-voorman uitstralen dat zijn partij zich verre hield van die ’gristenen’ met hun conservatieve moraal. D66, uw progressieve garantie tegen religieuze orthodoxie.

Lees verder>>>

donderdag 22 juni 2017

Tariq Ramadan Defends Female Genital Mutilation: 'Part of Our Tradition' and an 'Internal Discussion' for Muslims Only

by David M. Swindle

Last week Imam Shaker Elsayed of the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Virginia, was roundly condemned after a video emerged, courtesy of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), in which he recommends female genital mutilation to avoid "hypersexuality."

Elsayed has since tried to withdraw his comments and apologized, saying "I admit that I should have avoided it. I hereby take it back. And I do apologize to all those who are offended by it."

Elsayed's weak-tea apology has not slowed the loud calls in the Muslim community for the Dar al-Hijrah mosque to fire him. But on Monday, influential Islamist thinker and activist Tariq Ramadan released a 10 minute video on Facebook expressing support for Elsayed staying on. Ramadan stated Muslim leaders who advocate for FGM should be understood as "brothers," part of "our community" and Muslims who disagree should engage them with "internal discussion" and are instructed "not to expose them." Here are some of the highlights from this video.


Book Review of Ibn Warraq: The Islam in Islamic Terrorism

by Fjordman

The world is witnessing a massive wave of Islamic terrorist attacks. Hardly a week goes by without such an attack taking place somewhere in the world. Sometimes, militant Muslims carry out several deadly atrocities in just one day.

Europe and the Western world are also increasingly being targeted by such deadly terror. Western politicians and media are quick to claim that the murderous attacks carried out by militant Muslims have nothing to do with Islam. The esteemed author Ibn Warraq disproves this false claim in his new book The Islam in Islamic Terrorism: The Importance of Beliefs, Ideas, and Ideology.

The book is packed with examples showing the continuity of Islamic thought and practices for more than one thousand years. This includes revealing quotes from the Kharijites, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Al-Ghazali, Ibn Taymiyya, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Syed Abul A’la Maududi, the strongly pro-Nazi Palestinian Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husaini, Hassan al-Banna, Sayyid Qutb and others from the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad abd-al-Salam Faraj, Abdullah Azzam, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

Many leading figures from the international Jihadist movements have been members of the Muslim Brotherhood. They range from Sayyid Qutb and Abdullah Azzam to Ayman al-Zawahiri, leader of the terrorist network al-Qaida after the death of Osama bin Laden, and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed caliph of the Islamic State (ISIS).


maandag 19 juni 2017

‘Laten we ophouden met de lafheid, en de waarheid spreken over de islam’

Nieuwsbrief - Partij voor de Vrijheid
 Deze week ging de documentaire “Wilders” in première, op DocFest, een jaarlijks filmfestival in de Britse stad Sheffield.
Deze documentaire is gemaakt door de Amerikaanse regisseur Stephen Robert Morse. Hoewel hij het niet met al mijn standpunten eens is, heeft hij geprobeerd een eerlijk beeld te schetsen van wie ik ben en waar ik voor sta. Dat is bij de meeste Nederlandse journalisten wel anders.
Ik stond Morse en zijn team toe om mij een aantal maanden te volgen. De documentaire laat zien hoe ik, vanwege islamitische doodsbedreigingen, moet leven onder continue politiebeveiliging. Je ziet hoe ik word rondgereden in gepantserde auto’s, en dat ik verplicht ben om een kogelvrij vest te dragen wanneer ik in het openbaar ga spreken.
Sommige anderen leven in vergelijkbare situaties, zoals de Deense cartoonist Kurt Westergaard en zijn Zweedse collega Lars Vilks, maar ook de Britse auteur Salman Rushdie, de Deense historicus Lars Hedegaard, en zo zijn er nog een paar. In zekere zin is deze documentaire ook een ode aan hen. We staan stuk voor stuk op de dodenlijst van de islam. Maar wat ik altijd apart heb gevonden is dat ik de enige volksvertegenwoordiger ben in het rijtje.
Alle politici roepen in verkiezingstijd dat ze het volk zullen dienen. Maar je kunt het volk pas dienen als je bereid bent de waarheid te vertellen. En de waarheid over de islam is geen prettige.

Wat een geruststelling zou het zijn als de islam daadwerkelijk de religie van de vrede zou zijn, zoals de meeste politici stellig beweren. Geruststellend, maar ook hopeloos naïef, want het valt niet meer te ontkennen dat tegenwoordig vrijwel alle terroristische aanslagen worden gepleegd in naam van de islam.
Veel politici durven het niet aan om de waarheid over de islam te spreken. Sommigen vinden het veel makkelijker om de politiek correcte dogma’s van links na te praten. Anderen zijn bang om net zoals ik te moeten leven, en zoals Westergaard, Vilks, Rushdie, Hedegaard en anderen.
Maar ik beschouw dit niet als een terecht bezwaar. Niemand wordt gedwongen om politicus te worden, maar als je eenmaal de keuze hebt gemaakt, mag je jezelf nooit de mond laten snoeren door de dreiging van geweld. Want als een politicus aan die angst toegeeft, dan laat hij de kant van het geweld winnen. En dat zou geen enkele democratische politicus mogen laten gebeuren.
De afgelopen decennia is de terreurdreiging in het Westen gestaag toegenomen. Deze groei heeft alles te maken met de opkomst van de islam in onze samenlevingen. Politici die weigeren om deze realiteit in te zien, houden niet alleen zichzelf voor de gek, maar brengen ook hun burgers in gevaar. Dit jarenlange wegkijken is waarom vandaag de dag iedereen op de dodenlijst staat.
We lopen allemaal gevaar en dat is compleet onaanvaardbaar. Mensen, of ze nu op het platteland of in de stad wonen, hebben het recht om in veiligheid te leven. Mijns inziens is die veiligheid belangrijker dan het recht van moslims om in onze samenleving te kunnen leven in overeenstemming met hun zogenaamde religie. Het Westen mag de islam nooit de vrijheid gunnen om de Westerse vrijheden te verdringen.
Er zijn al talloze islamitische landen op Aarde, zoals Saoedi-Arabië, Iran en Pakistan, waar sharia de basis van het recht vormt. Waarom kiezen moslims die aangeven hier de sharia in te willen voeren, er niet voor om naar die landen te verhuizen?
Vroeg of laat zullen zelfs de wegkijkende politici gedwongen worden om de problemen te erkennen. Maar tot het zover is, verliezen we kostbare tijd. En de regerende elite is daarvoor verantwoordelijk.
Des te meer islam die toestaat in ons land, des te meer vrijheden we inleveren.
In Nederland is momenteel het formatieproces aan de gang. Hoewel de PVV, met de verkiezingen van 15 maart, de tweede partij van Nederland is geworden, kiezen de VVD en het CDA ervoor om niet eens met de PVV te willen praten over een coalitie. Dit heeft een politieke patstelling veroorzaakt waardoor het vrijwel onmogelijk is geworden om een meerderheidscoalitie te vormen.
Eerder deze week schreven de fractievoorzitters Mark Rutte en Sybrand Buma ieder een brief waarin ze hun weigering uitleggen. Zo vinden ze de PVV te radicaal. Maar het is niet de PVV die radicaal is, het is de islam.
Laten we ophouden met deze lafheid. Laten we de politieke correctheid doorbreken. Zoals de Amerikaanse generaal Patton al zei: “de lafaard is degene die de angst het plichtsbesef laat overwinnen.” Ik zal mijn plicht blijven doen, waarschijnlijk weer als leider van de oppositie. En ik zal mij uit blijven spreken, wat de prijs ook mag zijn. Ik zal de islamisering van Nederland bevechten en onze vrijheden verdedigen, compromisloos en met vastberadenheid, overtuiging en kracht, dag in dag uit.
Geert Wilders
Klik hier om het originele artikel te lezen op de website van Breitbart London.

vrijdag 16 juni 2017

Europe’s Jihad Epidemic: Stats Show Arrests Increasing, Prison Sentences Falling

The latest EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT) reveals the number of jihadist terrorists being arrested “sharply increased” in 2016 – but their prison terms are only getting shorter.

Prepared by Europol, the bloc’s supra-national law enforcement agency, the report says member-states logged 718 jihadist arrests in 2016; up from 687 in 2015 and 395 in 2014.

It claims that, “of 142 failed, foiled and completed attacks” reported by eight EU members, the greatest number were carried out by what it describes as “ethno-nationalist and separatist extremists” (99), with “left-wing violent extremists” in second-place (27).

However, it concedes that jihadist terrorism claimed the most actual victims, and the “vast majority” of court verdicts associated with terrorism “were pronounced in relation to jihadist terrorism” – suggesting that the threat from “ethno-nationalists” is overstated in the headline figures.

Court data also shows that the average prison sentence for terrorist offences in the EU fell to just 5 years in 2016; down from 7 in 2015.


And don't miss this enlightening comment from `kamenets':

Here's why... and these stats are UK only... France is worse, Germany is worse even though the numbers/locales not as high...yet
How the British have passively succumbed to the Muslim invasion:
Mayor of London ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Birmingham ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Leeds ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Blackburn ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Sheffield ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Oxford ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Luton ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Oldham ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Rochdale ... MUSLIM
Over 3,000 Muslim Mosques
Over 130 Muslim Sharia Courts
Over 50 Muslim Sharia Councils
Muslims-Only No-Go Areas Across The UK
Muslim Women ... 78% don't work and are on FREE benefits/housing
Muslim Men ... 63% don't work and are on FREE benefits/housing
Muslim Families ... 6-8 children planning to go on FREE benefits/housing
... and now all UK schools are ONLY serving HALAL MEAT!

All this achieved by just 4 million Muslims out of the 66 million population!

Jesuit Scholar: Islamic Extremists Are the True Muslims

Islamic extremists who carry out acts of terror are simply applying what their faith requires of them, according to Jesuit Father Henri Boulad, an Islamic scholar of the Egyptian Greek Melkite rite.

In an interview with the National Catholic Register, Father Boulad said that “Islam is an open-ended declaration of war against non-Muslims” and those who carry out violent jihad are true Muslims who are applying exactly what their creed demands.

Those who fail to recognize the real threat posed by Islam are naïve and ignorant of history, he said, and unfortunately many in the Church fall into this category.

Citing a letter he wrote last August to Pope Francis, Father Boulad said that “on the pretext of openness, tolerance and Christian charity — the Catholic Church has fallen into the trap of the liberal left ideology which is destroying the West.”


Saudi Arabia is destabilizing the world

By Stephen Kinzer

A few months ago, the governor of Indonesia’s largest city, Jakarta, seemed headed for easy re-election despite the fact that he is a Christian in a mostly Muslim country. Suddenly everything went violently wrong. Using the pretext of an offhand remark the governor made about the Koran, masses of enraged Muslims took to the streets to denounce him. In short order he lost the election, was arrested, charged with blasphemy, and sentenced to two years in prison.

This episode is especially alarming because Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim country, has long been one of its most tolerant. Indonesian Islam, like most belief systems on that vast archipelago, is syncretic, gentle, and open-minded. The stunning fall of Jakarta’s governor reflects the opposite: intolerance, sectarian hatred, and contempt for democracy. Fundamentalism is surging in Indonesia. This did not happen naturally

Saudi Arabia has been working for decades to pull Indonesia away from moderate Islam and toward the austere Wahhabi form that is state religion in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis’ campaign has been patient, multi-faceted, and lavishly financed. It mirrors others they have waged in Muslim countries across Asia and Africa.

Successive American presidents have assured us that Saudi Arabia is our friend and wishes us well. Yet we know that Osama bin Laden and most of his 9/11 hijackers were Saudis, and that, as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote in a diplomatic cable eight years ago, “Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.”


zaterdag 10 juni 2017


Qatar’s role in undermining the stability of the Islamic world has been second only to Iran’s.

US President Donald Trump has been attacked by his ubiquitous critics for his apparent about-face on the crisis surrounding Qatar.

In a Twitter post on Tuesday, Trump sided firmly with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and the other Sunni states that cut diplomatic ties with Qatar and instituted an air and land blockade of the sheikhdom on Monday.
On Wednesday, Trump said that he hopes to mediate the dispute, more or less parroting the lines adopted by the State Department and the Pentagon which his Twitter posts disputed the day before.

To understand the apparent turnaround and why it is both understandable and probably not an about-face, it is important to understand the forces at play and the stakes involved in the Sunni Arab world’s showdown with Doha.

Arguably, Qatar’s role in undermining the stability of the Islamic world has been second only to Iran’s.


vrijdag 9 juni 2017

Convert, Pay, or Die

Convert, pay, or die is the set of choices Islam offers infidels. Coincidentally, this is also what today's progressives and the Democratic Party offer nonbelievers, climate "deniers," white males, heterosexuals, patriots, blue-collar workers, farmers, miners, people without a college degree, the religiously devout, Republicans, and everybody else choosing not to buy into the party's version of what America is and what the nation owes both its citizens and the world.

Our country has collectively "slipped into madness." Hatred in the name of diversity and political unity has become a goal in itself – and it is ascendant in modern culture, all compelled by leftist ideology.

No matter how many are killed, maimed, or merely terrified in the name of Allah, for progressives, the problem will always be Islamophobia, or an ignorant populace too uneducated to understand the inherent nuance of the "religion of peace."

Those who suggest enhanced screening for immigrants from Islamic nations or even a limited suspension, as President Trump proposed, are greeted with rioting in the streets, for to look askance at a man who expresses an explicit desire to kill in the name of Allah is tantamount to outright racism.


donderdag 8 juni 2017

Islamofascists and Marxists versus Trump...and Each Other

It was Admiral James Lyons who warned us about jihadist infiltration into the U.S. government and media. Every American with a non-P.C. brain should reread his words.

Jihad infiltration is not a new thing. The Soviet KGB infiltrated the United States in the 1940s and '50s, using the smiling propaganda image of Uncle Joe Stalin during the brief U.S.-Soviet alliance against Hitler. Once that war was won, at the cost of immense bloodshed and treasure, Stalin turned against us and had the CPUSA steal the Manhattan Project plants. The Democrats, who had committed treason in time of war (the standard for treason in the U.S. Constitution, Article 3), put up such a loud scream-fest that most Republicans and ordinary Americans were intimidated. In the 1960s, the radical left conducted a classical March through the Institutions, inspired by Italian Communist Arturo Gramsci, covered up with love and peace propaganda. Americans fell for the sucker play, and we allowed the totalitarian left to rewrite the history of the 1940s and '50s. Today, you can't find a single self-confessed Stalinist anymore, just as you can't find any self-confessed Nazis in Germany. History has been erased.


woensdag 7 juni 2017

DELINGPOLE: ‘Global Warming’ Is a Myth, Say 58 Scientific Papers in 2017

“Global warming” is a myth — so say 80 graphs from 58 peer-reviewed scientific papers published in 2017.

In other words, the so-called “Consensus” on global warming is a massive lie. And Donald Trump was quite right to quit the Paris agreement which pretended that the massive lie was true.

By “global warming” these papers don’t, of course, mean the mild warming of around 0.8 degrees Celsius that the planet has experienced since the middle of the 19th century as the world crawled out of the Little Ice Age. Pretty much everyone, alarmists and skeptics alike, is agreed on that.

Rather, they mean “global warming” in the sense that is most commonly used today by grant-troughing scientists, and huxter politicians, and scaremongering green activists, and brainwashed mainstream media (MSM) environmental correspondents. “Global warming” as in the scary, historically unprecedented, primarily man-made phenomenon which we must address urgently before the icecaps melt and the Pacific islands disappear beneath the waves and all the baby polar bears drown.

What all these papers argue in their different ways is that the alarmist version of global warming — aka Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) — is a fake artefact.


Islamic Carnage and 12 Kinds of Liberal Complicity

The liberal position on Islamic terrorism, unchallenged by the media, and shared not only by most on the political left but also by some on the right (including Republican "moderates"), relies on the following arguments:

1. Islam (as practiced by the vast majority of Muslims) is a peaceful religion.

This is a logical fallacy, known as missing the point. Basically, even if correct, this conclusion is completely irrelevant because it fails to address the actual issues. Moreover, for the sake of argument, even if 99 percent of the world's (estimated) 1.8 billion Muslims opposed acts of terrorism committed in the name of Islam, there still would be (approximately) 18 million Muslims who supported terrorism. And in reality, the number is much higher; reputable polls have repeatedly shown that 10 percent to 40 percent of Muslims from various nations in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa support terrorism. In the United States, nearly 10 percent of Muslims have consistently said that suicide bombings against civilians are justified "often" or "sometimes."


dinsdag 6 juni 2017

DELINGPOLE: Revealed – The Real Reason Trump Pulled Out Of Paris…

…Is because he has a very powerful bullshit detector. We know this thanks to a fascinating and unwittingly revelatory article in the German newspaper Der Spiegel.

The paper reveals how, in the days running up to President Trump’s decision to quit the UN Paris accord, he received a series of deputations from EU leaders urging him to change his mind.
“For me it’s easier to stay in than step out,” Trump told them.
This is perfectly true. Since his momentous Rose Garden speech announcing his plans to pull out of Paris, Trump has taken more flak than a thousand-bomber raid over Berlin in ’44.
He has upset his daughter Ivanka, his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, his financial advisor Gary Cohn. On top of that, he has given the entire liberal half of the planet, plus sundry conservative squishes, the perfect excuse they needed to dismiss him as a science-denying loon in thrall to Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Evil, etc…


maandag 5 juni 2017

Watch fake news created by CNN to confirm narrative of 'good Muslims'

By Thomas Lifson

Whenever Muslims act out the violence against infidels that Islamic scripture requires, the left-wing media swing into action to create and reinforce a contrasting narrative: that most Muslims condemn and fight such attacks.  Never mind that the terrorists could not unleash their violence if the Muslim communities in which they live agreed with the media narrative.  They would be spotted and turned in to authorities by their co-religionists if the fantasy narrative of "good Muslims" rejecting violence and insisting that their "great religion" is truly beneficent for the world, including its non-Muslim majority.

Because the actual facts on the ground do not support the benign view of Muslims as overwhelmingly hostile to terrorists and committed to peaceful coexistence, it is necessary to create (not simply report) events that confirm the media narrative.  CNN has just been caught creating a fake news event to support its narrative, and its efforts were rewarded with pick-ups by the BBC and the AP, among others.

In this two-minute video, CNN puts together a handful of people, carrying pre-printed signs (no spontaneity involved), and arranges them before the camera to look like a substantial crowd.  The elevated stage is a nice touch, confirming the professional expertise brought to bear in prepping this scene for the cameras



“Terrorisme hoort gewoon bij het leven in een grote stad.”

(Sadiq Khan – islamitische burgemeester van Londen)

Europe’s Next Big War

Thousands of terrorists and thousands of soldiers

2,000 cases.

That was the most overlooked revelation to come from the testimony of the former FBI director. While the media parsed every Comey hiccup to bolster its election conspiracy theories, it ignored that number.

Comey stated that there were around 2,000 terrorism investigations. 1,000 of those came from “home grown violent extremism” with no evidence of contact with foreign terrorists. Another 1,000 had "some contact with foreign terrorists". 300 from that 2,000 had come to America as refugees.

Two-thirds of the refugee terrorists were from Iraq. The other third were mainly from the six countries named in President Trump’s travel pause which left-wing activist judges have unconstitutionally halted.

Two years ago, Comey listed around 900 investigations. Even assuming that some of the 1,000 “home grown extremists” aren’t Muslim terrorists, that’s a staggering and shocking rise in case numbers.

Back then, he had said that the FBI was having trouble with the sheer volume of investigations in every state. "If that becomes the new normal," he had said, "that would be hard to keep up."

The new normal is only getting worse.

Those 2,000 investigations represent active cases. When an investigation does not pan out, it’s over. The FBI investigated Omar Mateen before he carried out the Pulse massacre where the second-generation refugee murdered 49 people, according to his own words, “in the name of Allah, the merciful.”

A preliminary investigation has to be wrapped up in six months. A year at the most. Mateen’s investigation was wrapped up in the spring of ’14. His name went off the terror watchlist.

Two years later he struck.


A lot more than London Bridge is falling down

by Mark Steyn

As I write, six members of the public are dead, and three attackers. I'm wary of weighing in as the situation is unfolding, but, though the details are always different, in the end the story is always the same. And, as I said only the other day, the reality of what is happening in Britain and Europe is that this problem was imported and that, until you stop importing it, you're going to have more of it.

No one likely to end up as Prime Minister or Home Secretary after this Thursday's election seems minded to say that, never mind act on it. Instead, we have the usual post-terrorist theatre: Congratulations for the speed of the emergency services, and sober anchormen announcing that Theresa May will be chairing a meeting of COBRA - as though a bunch of bureaucrats with a butch-sounding acronym has any clue about how to stop the corpse count from mounting. The cynical strategy of British and Continental leaders is to get their citizens used to this.


zondag 4 juni 2017

Zes doden bij terreur in Londen

LONDEN - UPDATE 08:40 - Bij een dubbele terroristische aanslag in Londen zaterdagavond zijn zes doden en 48 gewonden gevallen. Enkele van de gewonden zijn er slecht aan toe, zei burgemeester Sadiq Khan van de Britse hoofdstad zondagochtend. De drie daders zijn door agenten gedood en de politie gaat er vooralsnog van uit dat er geen andere verdachten op de vlucht zijn.

Lees verder>>>


zaterdag 3 juni 2017

The Truth Goes Marching On

By James Lewis

When Angela Merkel betrayed her own country by allowing its girls, boys, and women to be raped and abused by 200,000 “rapefugees” from Syria and Turkey, men from a culture that openly teaches that women and children should be degraded and that a single woman walking alone is asking to be raped, much of the world was shocked. I know I felt that way. But Merkel simply told the German media not to criticize her gross surrender to Jihad, so they shut up. Frau “Mutti” Merkel won the endorsement of her party and a sort of election, and she’s back in the saddle again. But she is a communist by indoctrination (in the former East Germany) and her new globalist empire in the EU, which also runs the UN in collusion with Jihad.

Europe is no longer democratic. When a supposedly “democratic” ruler can tell her national media to cover up an act of violent treason against her citizens, you know that all the critics are right. Marine le Pen, Geert Wilders, and Nigel Farage have been telling the truth all along, and the new aristocracy of Europe is even worse than the old one. At least the old aristocrats cared about their peoples. The new Power Class is “internationalist” in its outlook, and if that means shafting the local folks, well, so be it. That is exactly what the EU keeps doing in the most destructive way. Merkel made her decision to import those thugs by calling Recip Erdogan in Istanbul, who controls those 30 million Turks in Germany. All the Euro bureaucrats know that; only the voters are kept in the dark.