woensdag 27 januari 2016

Het “weg met ons” is in volle gang in Gelderland

                               Marjolein Faber

(Door: Marjolein Faber)

Debat in de Provinciale Staten van Gelderland d.d. 27-01-2016


In de Arabische wereld is de el-taharrush een bekend probleem. El-taharrush is een term die gebruikt wordt voor georganiseerde aanrandingen en verkrachtingen van vrouwen, meestal tijdens grote evenementen. Tijdens de jaarwisseling werden Europese vrouwen voor het eerst geconfronteerd met dit fenomeen. In Keulen vonden massale berovingen, aanrandingen en verkrachtingen plaats door duizend mannen van Noord–Afrikaanse en Arabische komaf. Vrouwen werden ingesloten en gescheiden van mannelijke metgezellen om vervolgens onderworpen te worden aan de seksuele jihad.

Nadat de politieke elite getracht had om deze wantoestanden onder het Perzisch tapijt te moffelen, werd het enige dagen later duidelijk dat dit niet enkel was voorgevallen in Keulen. Ook in andere Duitse steden en in steden in Zwitserland, Zweden, Finland en Oostenrijk waren er op grote schaal vrouwen op dezelfde wijze vernederd. Waarom? Omdat het kon, omdat men te zwak was om westerse vrouwen te beschermen. Opvallend was dat deze massale aanrandingen en verkrachtingen gelijktijdig op meerdere plaatsen geschiedden en georganiseerd bleken te zijn.

Voorzitter, el-taharrush is gearriveerd in West Europa.

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Swedish army prepares for war as police flee mob of Muslim ‘migrants’

According to an internal military document, the Swedish army is preparing for war. Per a Breitbart report, “the chief of the Swedish army General Anders Brännström told men under his command they could expect to be fighting a war in Europe against skilled opponents ‘within a few years’.”

The 28-page document was directed to soldiers, civil servants, politicians, and guests who will be attending next week’s military demonstrations that will focus on the army’s ability to fight and survive a winter war.
…the General said the deteriorating security picture in Europe was the main factor behind his warning, indicating the Islamic State conducting military campaigns in Europe and spreading instability from the Ukraine could lead to conflict. Sensationally, he suggested a Third World War was just round the corner. He told the paper:

“One can draw parallels with the 1930s. A great uncertainty and [political] dynamics which then led to a great war. That time we managed to keep out. But it is not at all certain we could succeed this time”. (snip)

It is unusual for a serving senior military figure, much less the professional head of an Army to speak out on such political matters in Europe. Yet these comments are not just the General’s opinion, he added, remarking his senior colleagues all held the same thoughts. He said: “this is a serious position shared by most. This is a completely different situation to the one we had ten years ago.

“There is now a much stronger focus on national defence… it is about preparing for the worst”.

Glenn Reynolds: Forecast of distrust with a chance of revolution

When Americans have more faith in the military than the political class, democracy is in trouble.

According to a recent Associated Press poll, the public lacks confidence in government. And by “lacks confidence,” I mean “really lacks confidence.” Specifically, “More than 6 in 10 respondents expressed only slight confidence — or none at all — that the federal government can make progress on the problems facing the nation in 2016.”

And this isn’t just Republicans in a sour mood after seven years of Obama. As the AP noted, “Perhaps most vexing for the dozen or so candidates vying to succeed President Barack Obama, the poll indicates widespread skepticism about the government's ability to solve problems, with no significant difference in the outlook between Republicans and Democrats.”